We may be biased, but we think we have the very best team of people around leading our church family Sunday after Sunday. Friendship Church is consisted of our staff, along with our board and volunteers, who are all some of the most gifted, creative, and hard-working people around.
Since the fall of 1993, I have had the opportunity to serve as pastor of Friendship Church. During this time, God has done SO MUCH in my life personally and well as His work in all of us at Friendship. And, as a bi-vocational, lay minister, I never actually intended to pastor a church! Doesn’t God have a sense of humor? As for some of the details…I’m a home-town, Centralia guy that “went away” for college but afterward came back home. My wife, Jill, and I have been married since 1983 and are now in a wonderful season of life… GRANDPARENTING! Friendship Church has been (and still is) the greatest surprise of my life. If you are looking for a “safe place to connect,” I believe you’ll find Friendship to be a casual, Biblical church fellowship where you can grow and serve.
See you Sunday,

God has placed a clear and overwhelming desire in my heart for youth and it all started here at Friendship. I was born and raised here in Centralia and started attending Friendship once in high school. When I became a Christian in high school I didn’t know anything about God or the church or youth group. My faith was modeled after my youth leader and friends. I attended a Friday morning Bible Study at McDonalds called McBible before school. That was where I learned about who Jesus is.
Once I heard the gospel and knew Jesus had died for my sins, I began to seek him out and grow in my faith. I could’t learn enough about him fast enough. I loved how Jesus was changing my life and my worldview. So once I graduated high school, I knew what God wanted for my life. I was being called to ministry. I wanted to impact other kids’ lives the way mine was impacted. I wanted them to meet our Savior Jesus Christ. So I attended Central Christian College of the Bible for 4 years and graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Youth and Family Ministry.
After college, I served as a full time youth pastor at Hoover Christian Church in Platte City, MO. During this time I married my beautiful bride Paige Day. We lived and served there for 8 years until God was calling us back to our hometown. We moved back and began to serve and minister in our home church, Friendship. I moved into the role of part time Children’s Pastor where I served for 3 years. I also began a full time career as a carpenter with Kliethermes Homes and Remodeling. I learned how to impact people’s lives through carpentry while at the same time learning how to depend on God more and be patient in his timing.
At home, God truly blessed my family during these years with two beautifully ornery and rotten children Makenzi, and Malachi. At this point, God was calling Friendship in a new direction with a full-time youth pastor. With God placing this burning desire to serve kids in my heart, I eagerly wanted this opportunity. After several months of interviews, I was offered the job of NextGen Pastor and continue to pray for God’s guidance and blessing as we venture down this road that God has us on.
If you have any questions or would like to help us in any way, please feel free to contact me. God bless!

I never intended to be a "religious" or a follower of anything until I had an encounter with the living God. I never intended to be a worship leader until God decided to use me in that way. Born and raised in Centralia, MO, I have lived here my whole life, (other than a short nine months in Michigan). There I attended worship school at a school called Radiant. ​
In Michigan, I further discovered my love for Jesus and my passion for worship. I never intended to be a part of such a great place with great people who love Jesus; but...God had different intentions.
Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than you ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
My family and I have been members at Friendship Christian Church since 2016, we have been in the Centralia community for over 20 years! I am married to my amazing husband Tim Stevens and we have five awesome boys, Andrew Moore, Anthony Stevens, Kelby Stevens, Miles Stevens, and Tanner Cannady. Other than spending time with my family I like to read, watch movies, and spend time with friends. I volunteer for High School 3 Strands, Freedom Fighter Ministries, McBible for girls, and also have a small group of some pretty cool high school girls! My faith really grew and I have found an amazing relationship with Jesus since joining this church. I am excited to start this journey with the church as the Church Administrator as I feel I was called to be in this position.

Hello everyone! I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ that is in recovery for control & co-dependency, child of an addict & struggles with self sabotage and food addictions. This is what you will hear from me every time I am at Celebrate Recovery here at Friendship Church. A little more of my story is that I grew up in church learning scriptures, church life and lingo. I knew what to say and how to act even into my adult married/mom life. I had all the knowledge but my heart was far from God. On July 22, 1998 is when I fully surrendered my life to God and accepted Jesus as my savior. My life did not become miraculously perfect. I still controlled what everyone would see but behind closed doors. I was still living in cycles of dysfunction. Now over 9 years walking in God’s recovery plan. I am thankful that God has given me biblical tools for HIM to help me find true peace and healing with a community of forever family members to lovingly support me and others.
I love that God has brought our family to Friendship Church to have a safe place to connect, continue to grow in Him, and encourage others to break cycles of dysfunction and experience forgiveness & healing in all areas of their lives too. Feel free to join us on a Monday Night or reach out to me for any questions or learn more anytime.